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Innerstanding Chakras 

Rainbowbodies is based on the 7 main Chakra energy points that are within in us all.


Chakras interact with the body’s ductless, endocrine glands and lymphatic system, it is important that we make sure we balance and nourish our Chakras.


Blocked energy can often lead to  negativity and eventually illness in our physical bodies.


Through meditation , sound healing  crystal healing  and more  you will be certain to see changes within the body.


We all want to achieve a balanced Rainbow Body!    

Crystals that work with each chakra

Root Chakra (Muladhara) – Represents our foundation and feeling Grounded


Located- at the Base of the spine and represents the color red

Negative – Violent, angry, greedy, and self-centered, impatient, competitive

Positive – Natural, Bold, clear, courageous, direct, dynamic, spontaneous, self-reliant

Emotional issues: survival issues such as financial and independence, money and food.


Sacral Chakra (Svadisthana) – The connection and ability to accept others and new experiences  


Located – at the lower abdomen about two inches below the navel and represents the color orange.

Negative –over indulgent, materialistic, moody, possessive, lazy, jealous, envious

Positive – kind, receptive, tolerant, creative, respectful, tender and intimate and works positively

Emotional Issue - Sense of abundance, wellbeing, pleasure, and sexuality.


Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura) - The ability to be confident and in control of our lives


Located- upper abdomen in the stomach area and represents the color yellow

Negative- arrogant, hypocritical, incompetent, inflexible, concerned with power and fame, unable to finish things, underlining selfish

Positive- Determined and intelligent, a leader showing warmth and humor, cool, calm and assertive when required positive self-esteem

Emotional Issues- Self-worth, self-confidence and self-esteem


Heart Chakra (Anahata) - The ability to Love


Located - at the center of the chest and represents the color green.

Negative - emotionally unstable, self-indulgent and sentimental, jealous and lustful, procrastinating and indecisive

Positive – compassionate, open and cooperative, gives unconditional love, harmony, balance and grace

Emotional Issue - Love, joy, and inner peace.


Throat Chakra (Vishudda) – The ability to communicate


Located - at the Throat and represents the color blue.

Negative – Full of diffused energies, overoptimistic, exaggerating, uses words and actions to hurt others, poor communicator, depressed, joyless

Positive – an educated adventurer, who always succeeds, uses the voice to praise, sing/or speak the truth

Emotional Issues- Communication, self-expression of feelings and the truth



The Brow Chakra/Third Eye (Ajna) –The ability to focus on and see the big picture           


Located- at the forehead between the eyes and represents the color Indigo

Negative- Lacking concentration and imagination, fears the unknown, tense, cynical, harsh, sad, possibly, phobic and detached from the world

Positive – Authoritative, organizational, patient, shows integrity, reliable, clairvoyant

Emotional Issues – Intuition, imagination, wisdom and ability to think and make decisions.


Crown Chakra (Sahasrara) – The Highest Chakra represents the ability to be fully connected spiritually


Located – at the very top on of the head and represents the color violet/purple

Negative – Confused, depressed, alienated and fearful of death/suicidal

Positive – Compassionate, gentle, inspired, intuitive, spiritual/mystic/psychic

Emotional Issues – Inner and outer beauty, our connection to spirituality and pure bliss




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